Useful NFC Tags When at Work

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Useful NFC Tags When at Work

Useful NFC Tags When at Work

NFC Tag Ideas: When at the Workplace: While at Work

Getting to work is the easy part. You have tagged your phone and got it ready on an Office profile last time. Now you want to know what that NFC Sticker can do for you while you are trying to get through the day at work.

What you need to realize is that your smartphone was built to not only help you keep up with your daily life, but also to keep up with you at work. Let’s talk about the useful tasks we can make our NFC Tags do for you at work.

The Break Timer

2013-01-08 20.16.19Ok, let’s start with our favorite part of work – break time. Our precious break time is very limited. We want to be able to maximize our break but not take too long and go on an over break issue.

The idea is pretty simple. First, identify the time limits of your break time. For some employees, break times are not fixed at a certain schedule, especially if you are loaded with work. You are often allotted a time frame instead and a limit on how long you can take a break. Usually, that would be two 15min breaks and one 1hour break.

You can set one tag for this by using a Switch Tag. You breaks are often divided by one small break, followed by a long break, and then followed by another short break.

So you start your tag with a 13 minute timer. Why 13? Because you need the extra 2 minutes to hurry back to your cubicle. Setting it at 15 would make it too late to get back. Set the next action to a 55 min timer.

When you tag it the first time, the 13 minute timer will activate. Tag it the second time and the 55 minute tag will activate. Tag it the third time and it will revert back to the first task and launch the 13 min break timer again. Switches can be used in this manner as well.

To make it more effective, simply go to the settings of the app, tap on “more”, and then check the box for “Reset Switch Tags After 12 hours”, so that your tag will be ready for the first switch again on the next day rather than starting with the second switch.

Enable switch reset

The App Wall

App WallChances are, you have your own cubicle for work. This idea asks you to make several tags depending on the app you need for work. You can line them up on your wall and label them accordingly for the apps you use for work. That way, you don’t have to dig around your smartphone.

Some of you may be scratching your head for some ideas, so let me lay down a few for you.


You can have one tag launch a notepad for you to make quick notes for work. It could be the regular memo application, or maybe even set up a tag for a quick Evernote.


You can have one tag that will launch your favorite task list and management application. This way, you can quickly write down a task you need to complete later. It will serve as a goal as well as a reminder so you won’t forget to do it.


Nothing beats a quick reference guide if you don’t know the meaning to a certain term or event. Some things are just better looked up than guessed.


There is always a place for a calculator in our lives, regardless of the work. Money is often calculated, along with a bunch of other numbers you may come across at life and at work.

Depending on your work, you may have a few more apps you can add to your app wall for a quick launch tag. This might be a good time to browse the Play Store.

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